Occupation Forces Confiscate Another 770 Dunums of West Bethlehem Land: 22,000 Palestinians Ghettoized between Walls and Colonies

Palestinians in the western areas of Bethlehem district have received new confiscation orders amounting to 770 dunums of land, taken for the Apartheid Wall and the expansion of the colonies in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Villages throughout this area are being ghettoized between two Apartheid Walls – one to be constructed close to the […]

3rd Cairo Conference: With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq… Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

On March 24-27 2005, the 3rd Cairo Conference will be held in Egypt to continue and strengthen the International Campaigns against the US and Zionist Occupation in the Middle East. Continuing from the two previous Cairo conferences, activists and movements from across the world will meet to exchange views and experiences, and agree upon future […]

3rd Cairo Conference: With the Resistance in Palestine and Iraq… Against Globalization, Imperialism and Zionism

On March 24-27 2005, the 3rd Cairo Conference will be held in Egypt to continue and strengthen the International Campaigns against the US and Zionist Occupation in the Middle East. Continuing from the two previous Cairo conferences, activists and movements from across the world will meet to exchange views and experiences, and agree upon future […]