#DefendMasaferYatta video resources
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#DefendMasaferYatta video resources

Apartheid Israel’s settler-colonial project to clear Palestinian lands from its Indigenous residents has been ongoing since 75 years. Massafer Yatta is in the crosshairs of Israeli ethnic cleansing since 1979, when large parts of the area were declared ‘firing zones’ for the Israeli military in order to reserve these lands for settlement expansion. Since last May, Israel’s supreme court has given the green light to finalize the ethnic cleansing.

At the start of the year, Israeli authorities communicated that the destruction of a dozen villages is imminent. Since then, the over 1000 people living in the area are facing almost daily military incursions, settler attacks, destruction of their land, intimidation and almost complete isolation from the rest of the world. The destruction of schools and harassment of children and teachers is being weaponised to weaken Palestinian steadfastness.

Join us in defending Masafer Yatta from apartheid and settler colonialism today.

You can share the short videos below and on our Youtube channel to educate and mobilize support.

You can also donate to support the steadfastness of the people in Masafer Yatta.