Occupation Forces Confiscate Another 770 Dunums of West Bethlehem Land: 22,000 Palestinians Ghettoized between Walls and Colonies

Palestinians in the western areas of Bethlehem district have received new confiscation orders amounting to 770 dunums of land, taken for the Apartheid Wall and the expansion of the colonies in the Gush Etzion settlement bloc. Villages throughout this area are being ghettoized between two Apartheid Walls – one to be constructed close to the […]

Simultaneous Protests Mark Land Week and Continuing Resistance to the Apartheid Wall

***image2***Activities organized by the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, and the National Committee to Resist the Apartheid Wall, to mark the commemoration of Land Day kicked off on Wednesday the 30th of March. Popular mobilization ensured demonstrations took place in Hebron/Surif, Bil’in/Saffa and Bethlehem. Surif, Hebron City In the northwest of Hebron City (Surif), over 1000 people […]