Campaña Palestina popular contra el Muro del Apartheid Domingo 20 de Mayo del 2012 Dsde Palestina, Apartheid israelí, El Muro del Apartheid, Asentamientos, Heridos, Restricción de Movimientos, Destrucción de Tierra, Destrucción de Propiedad, Represión is

  Nabi Saleh: Durante la protesta semanal en Nabi Saleh el Viernes 18 de Mayo, hecha contra el muro y los asentamientos, las Fuerzas de Ocupación Israelíes dispararon gas lacrimógeno, balas de goma y esparcieron aguas residuales sobre los manifestantes, hiriendo a dos palestinos, Wa'ad Tamimi (de 15 años), y Walid al-Tamimi (de 16) y […]

Weekly Report 18.5.12

Nabi Saleh: During the weekly protest at Nabi Saleh on Friday 18th March, against the wall and settlements, the Israeli Occupation Forces fired tear gas, rubber bullets and skunk water at protestors, injuring two Palestinians, Wa'ad Tamimi (15 years), and Walid al-Tamimi (16 years) and one international activist. A choir from Scotland attended the protest and sang songs […]

Settler Violence and Land Theft – 12th & 13th May

Attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank continue apace, while the occupational forces provide the aggressors' with protection. The attacks, ranging from destruction of fruit trees to seizure of land, demonstrate Israel's continued commitment to policies of terrorism and ethnic cleansing as they continue to expand and build on stolen land.   […]