Work in constructing the Apartheid Wall continues unabated
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Work in constructing the Apartheid Wall continues unabated

Occupation bulldozers are currently operating non-stop in the implementation of the second and third phases of the Apartheid Wall. It is creating the realities on the ground for shaping the Zionist Colonial Project for Palestine.

Ramallah District: Villagers defend trees from settlers

Occupation bulldozers have been razing the land and uprooting trees for one month in the area south of the villages of Bil’in and Saffa. Resistance activities have been continuous in the area during this time, the most recent of which involved people preventing the settlers from stealing the uprooted trees, which they intended to plant in their settlements. Children from both villages also organized their own demonstration against the Apartheid Wall.


In Anata: Collaborator lawyer fails to persuade villages to give up land

In Anata, northeast Jerusalem, the Occupation Forces are building the Apartheid Wall in the northeastern section between Anata and Hizma villages. This section of the Wall isolates 400 dunums of Anata’s lands and 200 dunums of Hizma’s, stretching between 4-5 kilometers long.

The Occupation Forces tried to persuade the people to give up their appeal to the Occupation’s high court by stating that they will open gates in the Apartheid Wall. The villagers have refused, knowing that this will mean that they are legitimizing the existence of the Wall by negotiating around it. The Occupation Forces also used a collaborator lawyer to attempt to convince the people to rent their lands which will be isolated by the Wall for the Occupation. Again the people have been resilient in their approach to the colonialists and refused. The Occupation Forces then approached the same lawyer in an attempt to buy the lands. The people’s response was to immediately dismiss the lawyer from the village for his collaboration with the goals of the Occupation.

In Hizma: Five families isolated by the Wall

The planned Wall around the villages of Jaba’, Anata, and Hizma encloses the three villages in a ghetto, isolating 5 families of 100 people behind it. The Wall extends in this area 5 kilometers long and 60 meters wide. The Wall isolates behind it some 4000 dunums of lands that were confiscated throughout previous years for settlement expansion. Most of these lands have been used for grazing animals. This forms the main source of living for people living in Hizma village. The Wall not only isolates the people from their lands, but also surrounds the built-up area in the village, and in places is located a few meters from houses, leaving no space for any expansion while shutting them into a ghetto.

The village is originally 12000 dunums. Only 1050 dunums remain, the rest being confiscated or isolated for further settlement expansion.

In an attempt to give legitimacy to the Apartheid Wall, the Occupation Forces have tried to negotiate the Wall’s path with the people, and “offered” to replant their uprooted olives! The people refused.


In Al-Ram: Occupation Forces begin closure of Al-Ram junction

The Occupation Forces have almost sealed the Al-Ram junction, leaving a small gap in the Wall for people to move through. This gap will be closed as soon as the Apartheid Wall in Al-Ram is finished. Moreover, the wall east of Al-Ram (Wadi Eid) and Dahiat Al-Bared is nearing completion. Occupation Forces have also announced that the Wall’s path from the eastern wall to the western wall will pass in the middle of the Jerusalem -Ramallah road going through Al-Ram. This will then lead to the total ghettoization of Al-Ram and Dahiat Al-Bared, sealing them out of Jerusalem. In conjunction with the annexation of the Neve Ya’acov and Pisgat Ze’ev settlements, it forms part of the Zionist, Colonialist plan for the Judeaization of Jerusalem.

In Hebron district: the Apartheid Wall takes shape

The Occupation Forces began building the Apartheid Wall throughout the Hebron district in October 2004. The Wall in the district extends from Idhna village, to Deir Samit, Biet Awa, As-Sikka and Deir Al-Asal Foqa and Deir Al-Asal Tahta villages, then goes to Beit Ar-Rush Foqa and Ar-Rush Tahta and to Beit Mirsim. The construction of the Apartheid Wall in this section is almost completed, except for the section in Al-Burj village in the very south west.

The Occupation Forces have already started the next step of building the Apartheid Wall in the Hebron district, by designing the path it will take through the Dhahriya and Arab Ramadin villages.
