Huge Mobilization in Belgium Sends a Call for Justice in Palestine
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Huge Mobilization in Belgium Sends a Call for Justice in Palestine

On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Saturday, November 29th, the ‘ActiePlatform Palestina’ (APP) in Belgium organized actions against Israel’s Apartheid Wall in every province capital in Flanders and Brussels. Solidarity actions took place in eight cities throughout Flanders and in total, nearly 700 people demonstrated to make the day a tremendous success.

***image2***Hundreds of passers-by were attracted to the demonstrations and were eager to learn more about the Apartheid Wall and the reality of the Israeli Occupation in Palestine. Organizers of the demonstrations had plenty of information stations set up with maps and photos of the Wall as well as petitions against the Wall for people to sign. The day served as an important outlet for people to join solidarity efforts and network with fellow activists and organizers; it was marked with engaging conversations and discussions about mobilization to end the Occupation and bring down the Wall. The events gained significant local media attention and were also covered by national news sources.

In particular, the demonstrations in Leuven, Brussels and Ghent were especially successful. In Leuven, a large demonstration was held in the ‘Maartelarenplein’, where street theater was used to symbolically convey the devastating conditions of Palestinians living under Israeli Occupation. There was a mock Wall and mock checkpoints with guards. Actors portrayed scenes showing the Israeli oppression through the denial of passage and access to food, as well as through arrest and violence. Amidst the performance, there were information tables set up for people to learn more about the ways in which this reality is lived in Palestine. A similar action also took place in Brussels. In Ghent, demonstrators took to the streets in a rousing march through the center of town denouncing the Apartheid Wall. A samba band and protest choir brought energy to the march and sent a call out for lively resistance to the unjust Occupation and Apartheid Wall.

Actieplatform Palestina: Koepel van de Vlaamse Noord-Zuidbeweging – 11.11.11, ACW, Christelijke Wernemerskoepel, Broederlijk Delen, Centrum voor Ontwikkeling, Documentatie en Informatie Palestijnen CODIP, FOS-Socialistische Solidariteit, Geneeskunde voor de Derde Wereld, Oxfam Wereldwinkels, Oxfam Solidariteit, Pax Christi Vlaanderen, Socialisme zonder Grenzen, Christenen voor het Socialisme, Vlaams Palestina Komitee, Vrede




For more pictures and information please visit the APP Website or email