Buenos Aires Rallies Against the Apartheid Wall
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Buenos Aires Rallies Against the Apartheid Wall

On November 9, activists in Buenos Aires organized in protest of Israel’s Apartheid Wall as part of the Palestinian National and International Call for Action.

***image2***A significant crowd mobilized in front of the United Nations Building to demand justice by bringing an end to the Occupation and the Wall. Powerful speakers, information-sharing and solidarity marked the day in condemnation of Israel’s policies of Apartheid, control and ghettoization.

The demonstration was organized by the Argentine Students Federation, the UBA Students Federation, Human Rights Organizations, many Argentine political parties and several Syrian-Lebanese community organizations united in the Argentine-Arab Entities Federation (FEARAB).

As a highlight of the day, a speaker from the Syrian Cultural Association read an official notice signed by FEARAB and other organizers which denounced the Apartheid Wall and its destruction of Palestinian communities, land and infrastructure. Upon the close of the presentation, the crowd joined in to sing “Palestina, Palestina” and solidify their call for an end to the illegal Occupation.

In addition to the other activities, information tables were set up in front of the UN building to provide details about the Wall’s true destructive nature. Fliers with images of the Wall, coupled with essential statistics and facts about the path and impact of the Wall and the over-arching tragedy of the Occupation were distributed to demonstrators and passers-by.