Demonstrators in Scotland Demand an End to Israeli War Crimes and the Apartheid Wall
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Demonstrators in Scotland Demand an End to Israeli War Crimes and the Apartheid Wall

On November 9, in solidarity with the Palestinian grassroots National and International Call to Action, The Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Edinburgh, Scotland stood firm on their stance that the Israeli Apartheid Wall must end by gathering for protest, street theater and information-sharing on the Royal Mile.

***image2***The activists used a giant mock Wall and watchtower to bring their message to the immediate attention of all passing by the busy thoroughfare. The structure was covered with graffiti marking the protestors’ demands for a Free Palestine and the immediate dismantling of the Apartheid Wall. After several hours of protest, the demonstrators forced the mock Wall to the ground in a symbolic act of condemnation for Israel’s Apartheid Wall. In addition, street theater depicting Palestinians under arrest at the Wall gave pedestrians a symbolic glimpse into the humiliating and violent nature of the Wall and Israeli control measures. In the performance, young people dressed as Israeli soldiers forced Palestinians to kneel blindfolded with their hands behind their heads at gunpoint.

Powerful speakers, including local Palestinians and recent visitors to Palestine, shared personal testimonies to the devastation taking place as a result of the Apartheid Wall’s construction. Demonstrators also rallied with numerous banners, signs and placards making clear that the Occupation is an unacceptable violation of human rights and that Israeli War Crimes are not passing unnoticed. Passers-by and demonstrators were encouraged to visit the PSC information table to sign anti-Wall and anti-Occupation petitions, gather information about the Apartheid Wall and network with solidarity activists.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign gathers every Saturday on the Royal Mile to protest the Occupation of Palestine and is planning for future events against the Apartheid Wall.
