New Yorkers Erect a “Separation Wall” in Midtown Manhattan to Protest Israel’s Apartheid Wall in Occupied Palestine
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New Yorkers Erect a “Separation Wall” in Midtown Manhattan to Protest Israel’s Apartheid Wall in Occupied Palestine

In solidarity with Palestinian mobilization on November 9, approximately 150 New Yorkers converged at Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan, carrying 3 sixty-yard mock “walls” to depict the 25-ft.-high wall enclosing the Palestinian people in the West Bank, Palestine.

***image2***The protesters marched down 42nd Street to Grand Central Station where they carried the wall inside to display it for passers-by, while chanting “Tear Down the Wall” and demanding that the world take notice of Israel’s Apartheid policies.

The event, endorsed by at least 9 organizations aimed to protest the Apartheid Wall and send a powerful message to the US government and others around the world that the people will not tolerate the” hideous act of ethnic cleansing veiled behind ‘security’ rhetoric.” The demonstrators also distributed flyers with important information about the impact of the Wall on Palestinian communities and the consistent violations of human rights committed by the Israeli Occupation Forces that occur with enormous support from US government, corporate and independent funding.

The mock walls were marked with powerful anti-Wall slogans such as “Tear Down the Wall!”, “No Security in Apartheid” and “Free Palestine”.

The event was endorsed by: Palestine Action Forum of New York (PAFNY), A.W.A.R.E., NY-NJ Al –Awda, New York City Labor Against The War (NYCLAW),Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee-New York (ADC-NY), Direct Action Palestine (DAP),Stop U.S.Tax Aid to Israel NOW-NY (SUSTAIN-NY),Jews Against The Occupation, New York (JATO-NYC)


For more photos, please visit Fred Askew’s Photo Gallery