Building of the Apartheid Wall Continues in Budrus, as does the Popular Resistance
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Building of the Apartheid Wall Continues in Budrus, as does the Popular Resistance

***image2***Occupation Forces are continuing to build and destroy for the Apartheid Wall in Budrus village, situated in northwest Ramallah District, currently laying the groundwork in various parts of the village’s west side, while in the south continuing the area’s ruin as of last month’s commencement in those parts.

The popular resistance in Budrus continues despite arrests and beatings of the people by the Occupation Forces which is using various forms of suppression against the people as they defend their lands.

The resistance of the people of Budrus village was able to stop the building of the Apartheid Wall in the village 8 months ago, while continuing at this time such resistance in order to defend the small amount of lands that remain with them following the war of 1948. Occupation Forces began the Apartheid Wall in this village in December 2003.

In addition, and once the Wall was completed in the northern and northwest sides of the village, the lands and trees located in the south and southwest of the village are all that are left with the people.

The people of Budrus demand resistance against the Zionist plan to “transfer” them, once again, and to steal their lands and homes yet another time. Amidst this plan of expulsion, the people of Budrus refuse to be forced into a big prison which will be isolated from other parts—if not all of Palestine.
